Student Blogs

Summer 2014

August 15th, 2014 jhthom17

Hey everyone! How are you? How has your summer been? Mine has been pretty rad if I do say so myself. I’ve spent my summer at home in upstate New York, where I’ve lived my entire life. I live in a small city called Saratoga Springs (about 3 hours north of NYC) that is well known for horse racing.

Summers in Saratoga are truly special. There’s something about the warm weather, the lush greenery and the friendly people that I can’t get enough of. Horse racing brings a feeling to the city that is truly like no other. On a summer day strolling through town you will see so many different types of people; I often find myself sitting in awe on a bench or at a coffee shop. I feel increasingly more fortunate every year to have grown up in such an interesting and vibrant community.

Since mid-May I’ve been working at a small French patisserie in Saratoga. It’s been great working at a place that involves two of my passions: French culture and food! They even play French music, which I secretly hope is sub-consciously helping with my French pronunciation for the upcoming fall semester! The pastries are fantastic and to be honest, I’m surprised I haven’t gained the freshman fifteen all over again.

As far as other things I’ve been up to, I’ve been hanging out and catching up with high school friends as much as possible, watching as much Netflix as is humanly possible and attempting to exercise and read on occasion. I went down to the city twice, once with a friend from high school and another time to visit a Holy Cross friend. I’ve also gone hiking a few times in the Adirondacks, which never gets old-upstate NY is breathtaking year-round!

Since I never got to tell you all about the end of my spring semester, I’ll give you a quick rundown now. In short, it was great. Spring Weekend was easily my personal highlight, which consisted of several events on the hill including the spring concert, which was Nelly! The warm weather after our harsh winter in Worcester was highly rewarding, as I was able to spend a lot of time outside. Finals week was stressful and overwhelming as expected, but overall well worth pushing through for the three and a half month break to follow!

Overall, I can’t complain about my first summer home from college, however I’m starting to get a bit anxious to get back to school. I’m so excited to see all of my friends again and to continue learning on Mount St. James! Please stay tuned for a blog about what classes I’m taking this fall and what else I’ll be up to come September. I hope everyone’s day is going well-happy summer!

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Jonathan Thompson '17

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