Student Blogs

What I’m Taking this Fall

August 17th, 2014 jhthom17

Hey again! I’m back with another blog. Today I’m going to focus solely on my classes for fall semester, how I’m feeling about them, etc. I hope you enjoy! So this semester, much like my past two, I’m taking four classes. They include Early British Lit, French 202, Creative Writing Narrative, and Biology of the Brain. I’m excited about all of them, however I do have some reservations as well.

Starting off with Early British Lit-this one I’m really excited for. I’ve already gotten all of my books and am excited to jump into the likes of Robinson Crusoe and King Lear! We’re reading several other classics too. I know several people in this class and have heard that the professor is fantastic-I hope it meets my preconceived expectations!

Next up, French 202. I’m continuing with French because I would love to study abroad in France during my junior year and eventually be fluent in the language. I loved French class both semesters last year, so I’m expecting to feel the same during my upcoming two semesters.

Creative Writing is the class that I’m probably the most excited for simply because I’ve never taken a class solely devoted to it. The class is very small (only twelve people I believe) which I think will help to foster a great learning relationship between my peers, my professor and myself. I’m curious to see how a class like this is run as we only meet once per week. I will be sure to let you all know how creative writing goes, especially for any prospective or first year students who are considering the creative writing concentration here at Holy Cross.

My final class of the upcoming fall semester is the one that I would say I have the most anxiety about as of right now. It’s called Biology of the Brain and should be very interesting. Both of the books I purchased for the class are surprisingly not textbooks about the brain like I expected; one is a book that details twelve brain “rules” about how to thrive at work, home, and school and the other is a novel about a woman who falls into the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. I’m nervous about this class the most simply because Science in general has never been my forte, however I am excited to be studying something different from my major and minor (yay liberal arts college!).

Anyway, that’s what I’ll be taking this fall! I’m so excited to jump right in and start working away at these courses. I must say thus far I’ve got a great feeling about sophomore year and I can’t wait to keep all of you updated on what’s to come!

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Jonathan Thompson '17

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